The designer in a few words...

Who is she ? Anne-Laure, 35, Parisian for 10 years, Finistère native all her life.

Her story ? The world of gemstones and jewelry was a late discovery, but one that totally engrossed me, submerged me, and gave me the desire to discover more and more, to train at the London School of Gemmology (Gem-A) and to make it my daily life.

My educational background in no way predestined me for the incredible world of jewelry. I did a Bac S and then a business school. I went on to work in the luxury events sector, then in information systems, and even in retail.

But I've always been fascinated by entrepreneurial stories. I knew I wanted to “start my own business”, as they say, but I didn't know what exactly.

Then I discovered stones and jewelry. From then on, everything became obvious.

Today, I design the Jacquot Paris collections as well as our customers' bespoke projects, source the stones and select the workshops with the best craftsmen to make these creations.

And Jacquot Paris? Jacquot Paris is joy and sorrow; optimism, carefreeness and realism; strength and gentleness. Quite simply, it's love and life.
These are timeless jewels with character, jewels that can be worn for a lifetime and passed on.
Jacquot Paris is me in creation, but him in spirit.

Anne Laure Mirabel designer Jacquot Paris


Jacquot Paris Parisian jewelry